Happy Birthday, Kristen!! You are growing up way too fast.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Happy 8th Birthday, Kristen!!
Happy Birthday, Kristen!! You are growing up way too fast.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Gotcha Day - 6 years!!
After lunch we picked up Grandma from a meeting she was attending, then we headed to Caddo Mills to a garage sale. It wasn't just some random garage sale...it was at our dear friends, the Blocks. They are moving to Guatemala to do full-time missions work so they have sold their house and are selling most of their belongings. We had so much fun spending a little time with them, and we got to meet Carson and Havyn for the first time. We can't wait to visit them in Guatemala :) They even gave Kristen a beautiful tea set that they got when they were in Guatemala. So sweet!!
We went to Momo and Papa's 50th anniversary party for dinner and had a fun time with family. What a busy, fun weekend we had!!
Character Education Assembly
Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas 2010
This is the one present she got to open on Christmas Eve.
Putting out carrots for the reindeer.
One of her presents from Grandma and Grandpa was a Barbie Fashion Fairytale doll.
She got a penguin pillow pet from Momo and Papa. She named it Gretl...after watching the Sound of Music on TV.
Polar Express
Catching up - Fall 2010
Kristen went to Anna's 5th birthday party at Orr Family Farm (in August...see how far behind I am!!) She had so much fun with the girls, and she just loves babies so she loved playing with Mia. After a lot of coaxing she FINALLY got on a horse. She's been on a horse one other time, but it was at her daycare and she was really little so I don't think she even realized what was going on.
Over Labor Day weekend we took a little trip to Grapevine and stayed at the Gaylord Texan. We'd saved so much on our summer vacation so we splurged a little bit :) Well, we splurged on the hotel but couldn't even afford to eat in the restaurants there so we'd leave the property and go to the cheap restaurants...except for breakfast at a little coffee shop in the hotel. The hotel was having an Alice in Wonderland event so it was decorated really cute and there were pictures with characters and a lot of other special events. Kristen had a blast and I enjoyed a nice, relaxing weekend.