Then I was off to a doctor's appointment which didn't go very well. As soon as she put her hand on my abdomen she felt something. I've had pain for a few months, but just attributed it to the same things that have caused me pain off and on since I was 16 years old. I've had surgery twice for endometriosis, and told her with my pain I just figured it was time to go in and laser that off again. I was wrong. Several of the possible scenarios will mean surgery, with I guess the worst case scenario being a hysterectomy. Wow, that makes me sound REALLY OLD!! I'll go have an ultrasound Dec 16, then back to the doctor Dec 23 to find out my fate.
Friday night Kristen had dress rehearsal for the Nutcracker. We had to be there at 6:00 and weren't done until 10pm. It didn't go all that great so I was a little concerned about how the performance was going to turn out. Since my parents came from Texas to see her perform, I took advantage and had them keep her for a while Saturday morning so I could do some Christmas shopping for her. I got almost all of my shopping for her done. Then Saturday night was The Nutcracker. It really turned out great. She was so excited, especially about getting to wear makeup :) It was so fun. Here are a couple of pics. I couldn't take pictures during the performance, but I tried to take a little video and once I see if that turned out I'll try to post it. Pretty entertaining stuff.