Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gotcha Day

Happy Gotcha Day, Kristen. It's so hard to believe it's been four years since I flew to Guatemala and had the sweetest little girl placed in my arms. People cannot believe how she has changed from a shy little thing into a social butterly.

We spent a fairly quiet day together. She had to stay home from school so she didn't give pinkeye to her classmates. We did get out this afternoon and go see the Hannah Montana movie, which we both really liked. We will do more celebrating Saturday night with some of the family.

The tooth fairy came to visit last night, a little sooner than we expected. I thought we probably had a couple of more weeks before her 3rd loose tooth would come out, but we had a little incident last night. I was going to take her to the after-hours clinic for her pinkeye, and I was rushing around to get her ready, helping her brush her teeth, and as I wiped her mouth somehow I knocked the tooth out. I don't think it really hurt her, but it really started bleeding and I think we were both a little shocked. I felt SO BAD! Once she was over the shock and realized that meant she'd be getting a visit from the tooth fairy, the rest of the evening she kept saying "thanks for knocking my tooth out, Mom".

Here's Kristen helping with dinner last night...before the tooth incident.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great trip to Fort Worth for Easter weekend. We spent all day Saturday shopping at the outlet mall in Allen, then hit a couple of my favorite stores in Dallas. I got most of Kristen's summer clothes taken care of and got some great deals. She even put on a fashion show for us Saturday night to model all her new clothes and it was hilarious.

She looked beautiful for church yesterday morning. She got about 3" cut off her hair last week and it looks so much thicker.

We didn't find a big field of bluebonnets to take her pictures in, so some friends of my parents let us take pics in front of their house.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy week

Last week was a crazy, busy week because I was having to work late every night, and even had to work Saturday. Kristen was a trooper, even when all I gave her was a bowl of Easy Mac and some carrots for dinner :( Things should be back to normal this week, and we're excited because we'll be heading to Texas on Friday morning to spend Easter weekend down there.

Kristen watched way too much Disney channel and learned quite a few tricks on April 1. For her 1st ever April Fool's joke she got out two boxes of cereal from the cabinet and switched the inside packaging. Then she kept asking me if I wanted to eat some cereal. She couldn't wait for me to get out my cereal and pour it in my bowl, then see that it was actually her cereal. She got such a kick out of trying to trick me :)

Her 2nd loose tooth finally came out. It was barely hanging on...and I mean BARELY hanging on. She could bend it all the way forward where it would be upside down. Here, you can see for yourself :)

The tooth fairy is the coolest!! Kristen got four gold one-dollar coins!! She was so excited.

To end the busy week we went to the Cinderella ballet on Sunday afternoon. I'm really not a huge ballet fan (unless Kristen's dancing), but I could have watched Cinderella and the Prince dance all was beautiful.