I have been the worst blogger ever...I can't believe I've let over 3 months pass since I last blogged. We have been very busy, but that's not an excuse to not blog. I want to capture and remember all these events in our lives, and I've just been in a blogging funk. So this is my lame attempt to catch up some and hopefully not ever go this long again without blogging.Kristen went to Anna's 5th birthday party at Orr Family Farm (in August...see how far behind I am!!) She had so much fun with the girls, and she just loves babies so she loved playing with Mia. After a lot of coaxing she FINALLY got on a horse. She's been on a horse one other time, but it was at her daycare and she was really little so I don't think she even realized what was going on.

Over Labor Day weekend we took a little trip to Grapevine and stayed at the Gaylord Texan. We'd saved so much on our summer vacation so we splurged a little bit :) Well, we splurged on the hotel but couldn't even afford to eat in the restaurants there so we'd leave the property and go to the cheap restaurants...except for breakfast at a little coffee shop in the hotel. The hotel was having an Alice in Wonderland event so it was decorated really cute and there were pictures with characters and a lot of other special events. Kristen had a blast and I enjoyed a nice, relaxing weekend.